Tuesday, April 26, 2016


This was my first participation in a photography-illustration contest and my contest partner and I won the 3rd prize!

Here is our creation - portraits of each other with an Adam and Eve theme.

Title: Double Jeopardy 
A take on the biblical Adam & Eve fable where the man and the woman are interwoven. The Snake, a prophet of enlightenment, has introduced our female part to the fruit of knowledge and has passed that fruit on to our male part who feels uncertainty and is fearful to take that step. He is primitive and a little rough around the edges. Will he take that step to become whole or will he be the cause for infinite division and conflict.

More info in this blog: http://prophotoblog.ca/community/events/capic-double-vision-awards-papermill-art-gallery/?utm_campaign=Social%20Media%20Posts%20-%20Twitter%202016&utm_content=30484345&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter#prettyPhoto
