Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Born to Grill

Born to Grill - Rob Rainford.

What a treat it was to photograph Rob Rainford. 
He is easy going. Although he was rushed about to teach students at Centennial College, very polite and not refusing my directions.
I wanted to do something different with him, to show a dynamic Rob (I saw him in the kitchen and he is focused and more than dynamic!) so we went to the kitchen and grabbed some vegetables. While there we took a few shots of course…again I had to work fast but it was fun…after all he is a man on the go! I asked him to stand in front of the black background and have fun throwing his food.

Rob Rainford is a Celebrity Chef, author and television host of shows which have aired on the Food Network Canada (Licence to Grill), Discovery Home in the US and the Asian Food Channel throughout Asia. 
If you’re looking for new barbecue recipes he authored the book “Rob Rainford’s Born to Grill”, indeed a tasty book to have. 
Rob Rainford joined the Centennial College School of Hospitality as the official Culinary Ambassador and Chef Faculty for the Culinary Arts Centre. 

Lucky students learning from a pro!

 Photos copyright